Saturday, November 5, 2011


The other day while looking for some non-maternity jeans, I came across my truck jeans. What's so special about them? Well for one, I haven't fit into them since I was 18, before kids. So I decided it is my goal to wear those jeans again someday. And today starts my walk toward someday. I probably couldn't fit them to my knees right now.
So I did 20 minutes of aerobics, and then 20 sit ups on the exercise ball to get started. I had Special K for breakfast and have already drank 16 oz of water. Let's get this weight loss started! My first goal is to lose 30 pounds by Christmas, which gives me roughly 8 weeks, so 3.75 pounds a week. My second is 80 pounds by my 25th birthday in April. 23 weeks, so 3.5 pounds a week or a little less after Christmas, if I make my first goal.

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